by: Kathlene Capelle
Laser hair removal is one of the newest cosmetic procedures available today. The process is to permanently remove hair from any part of your body that you wish by the use of a light at a designated wavelength, which is projected into the skin by way of a laser hand held instrument.
What the laser accomplishes, after it's reached into the interior of the skin, is to focus on the hair's pigment. The laser destroys the follicle of the hair but does not damage the remaining hair tissue around it.
While laser hair removal can be quite effective and has been so for many, it is new, and, as compared with older hair removal treatments, relatively untested. What this means is that we really don't know yet just how safe or unsafe it might be and the potential for side effects. The other issue with the newness of this laser hair removal process is that no one has used it for long enough to have continuity of statistics that would indicate the rate of response to the laser hair removal treatment and the rate at which the hair grows back after each laser hair removal treatment.
Two of the most important elements to consider in qualifying potential laser hair removal candidates are skin color and hair color.
1. Skin Colour. Light skin makes laser hair removal easier to perform. Due to the lighter pigmentation, the laser hair removal results happen more quickly. Fewer treatments are required, and better, faster results are obtained. People with darker skin can be treated, but results are slower. They just have to be content with the knowledge that it will take longer to see results and a greater number of treatments are probably going to be needed.
2. Hair Colour. Laser hair removal works best on dark hair. The reason for the difference is the pigment pheomelanin, which is found only in red or blonde hair. It is very hard for a laser to penetrate pheomelanin. On the other hand, the laser goes easily through eumelanin, the pigment found in black and brown hair.
Treatment costs can add up to more than $1,000 as multiple treatment sessions may be necessary to obtain optimal results. This is largely due to the fact that laser hair removal is most effective for hair which is in the anagen phase (the growth phase). Since hair grows in cycles, not all of the hairs are in the anagen phase at any given time. Thus, more sessions are necessary to target hairs while they are in anagen.
How much and how long an individual respond to complete hair removal by laser hair removal differ from case to case. So, no hair removal clinics can guarantee 100% permanent results by a certain period. Consumers are nevertheless well advised, to consult with licensed professional and reputable laser hair removal centers.
About the author:
Kathlene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. She believes in harnessing one’s inner and outer beauty for self confidence and achievement to the fullest potential. For more articles, tips and resources, please visit her site at
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Sunday, 6 May 2007
Changing Your Thanksgiving Chair
by: devlyn steele
Life Coach Advice
You can change your life by simple changing the seat that you look at your life from. Thanksgiving taught me this as a child.
Growing up in Manhattan was an obstacle course of speed, traffic, hustle and bustle. It was an exciting place with tons of energy. The abundance of energy pointed in a billion different directions and you could often feel alone in your individual pursuits.
Then came the magical time of Thanksgiving where the city transformed.
As the days grew closer the excitement could be felt in the air. People seemed warmer, nicer, and though the pace remained fast, it seemed to slow down. The stranger smiled as he pushed you out of his way. The cabby honked at you but left out the crass comment, and you knew things were different.
Walking down Central Park, No Parking Wednesday and Thursday signs were posted about and the benches and barricades were dropped off in piles along the sidewalk. The cold air was just starting to find its way in and the city smelt fresh and clean.
Then came Wednesday and it seemed that everyone was on the same mission. The energy, instead of being pointed in a billion different directions, had a common purpose. You felt a connection, a bond, as everyone did smile and the pushes and shoves changed to helping hands. The smiles were everywhere and everyone wished you well on your holidays. You couldn’t help but feel excited and happy.
The city changed into a town. It felt like Anywhere, U.S.A. where you knew everyone and everyone knew you. Living on the Upper West Side, Wednesday night was a special time when the parade balloons were blown up all night along side the Museum of Natural History. Traffic was gone and the people took to the streets. The shops sold hot apple cider with cinnamon sticks and you would clasps your hands around the cup for warmth. Then you could get a peek at the magnificent balloons and everyone was one big family.
Early the next morning I’d be out walking the dog; Central Park would be empty and quite. In just a few hours millions would poor into the city as the nation gathered to see the magnificent Macy’s parade. But in those early morning hours the world felt completely at peace to me. I felt the goodness of the hearts of my neighbors and I felt safe.
Then the parade and crowds did roll through and it was a celebration like no other with children perched atop their parents’ shoulder clapping and gasping with amazement at the passing parade. We showed appreciation for all the high school bands from all over the country. Then we cheered for the all the familiar characters that brought us so many moments of laughter and joy.
After we celebrated as a city and as a nation, it was family time. Time to gather and sneak a few bites of stuffing before the long awaited meal was served. What a time to feel good and appreciate being with each other. A time to give thanks! It was a feeling I learned well and one that has always stayed with me.
The question I have for you is, what really changes during Thanksgiving? Did the people really change? Did the city really become a town? What was the event that changed?
When working with clients I often perform the following exercise. I ask them to move from chair to chair in my office and take a look at the room, finally retuning to the original position. Then I ask, “From each chair the room looked different, didn’t it?” The answer is always, “Yes.” Next I ask, “Did anything really physically change in the room?” The answer always being, “No.” The point being that nothing in life really has to change for you to enjoy it, other than the point of view you choose to take. What chair do you want to look at your life from, the chair of have nots and disappointment, or the chair of opportunities, appreciation and gratitude?
Change your point of view and you change your life. What changed the city into a town was everyone taking on the same point of view. When large groups take on the same point of view, whether negative or positive, you feel the common energy. What transforms Thanksgiving is the abundance of positive energy and you can feel it in your bones.
It is time for all of us to change our attitudes!
Did you know that the Macy’s parade was not started by Macy’s? The employees of Macy’s were once made up mostly of immigrants who were truly appreciative of their lives and opportunities here in the United States. All from different backgrounds, countries and religions, they gathered at 125th Street dressed as clowns and other costumes carrying balloons. They marched in celebration and gratitude to Macy’s on 34th Street. 250,000 people came out to watch them and be part of the celebration of life itself.
It was such a success that Macy’s fully got behind it the following year and it has been part of our tradition ever since. That was back in 1927. It’s amazing how we can affect the world with our individual initiative and actions. Yes, you can also affect your life with the actions you take. We do not need a specific holiday such as Thanksgiving to be positive and come together. The Pilgrims did so whenever the occasion called for it.
We are here and living freely as we do so tell yourself every day, “I’m having a great day!” That means “I want to do my best everyday and look at life from the chair of opportunities and appreciation!”
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.’
Change the seat you look at your life this Thanksgiving. It’s simple; get up and sit in a different chair and think about all the blessings and opportunities you have in your life and be thankful.
About the author:
About The Author- As a life coach, Devlyn has made helping people find ways to improve their lives his personal mission and passion. He is a public consultant, a private counselor, an author and creator of Tools To Life. He has hosted his own radio shows called "Tools To Life" and "Love beat" and has been a guest on over 150 various shows. You can read his articles and advice all over the internet. Devlyn has often been referred to as "America's Leading Life-Coach." For more information visit or Send Questions To:
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Life Coach Advice
You can change your life by simple changing the seat that you look at your life from. Thanksgiving taught me this as a child.
Growing up in Manhattan was an obstacle course of speed, traffic, hustle and bustle. It was an exciting place with tons of energy. The abundance of energy pointed in a billion different directions and you could often feel alone in your individual pursuits.
Then came the magical time of Thanksgiving where the city transformed.
As the days grew closer the excitement could be felt in the air. People seemed warmer, nicer, and though the pace remained fast, it seemed to slow down. The stranger smiled as he pushed you out of his way. The cabby honked at you but left out the crass comment, and you knew things were different.
Walking down Central Park, No Parking Wednesday and Thursday signs were posted about and the benches and barricades were dropped off in piles along the sidewalk. The cold air was just starting to find its way in and the city smelt fresh and clean.
Then came Wednesday and it seemed that everyone was on the same mission. The energy, instead of being pointed in a billion different directions, had a common purpose. You felt a connection, a bond, as everyone did smile and the pushes and shoves changed to helping hands. The smiles were everywhere and everyone wished you well on your holidays. You couldn’t help but feel excited and happy.
The city changed into a town. It felt like Anywhere, U.S.A. where you knew everyone and everyone knew you. Living on the Upper West Side, Wednesday night was a special time when the parade balloons were blown up all night along side the Museum of Natural History. Traffic was gone and the people took to the streets. The shops sold hot apple cider with cinnamon sticks and you would clasps your hands around the cup for warmth. Then you could get a peek at the magnificent balloons and everyone was one big family.
Early the next morning I’d be out walking the dog; Central Park would be empty and quite. In just a few hours millions would poor into the city as the nation gathered to see the magnificent Macy’s parade. But in those early morning hours the world felt completely at peace to me. I felt the goodness of the hearts of my neighbors and I felt safe.
Then the parade and crowds did roll through and it was a celebration like no other with children perched atop their parents’ shoulder clapping and gasping with amazement at the passing parade. We showed appreciation for all the high school bands from all over the country. Then we cheered for the all the familiar characters that brought us so many moments of laughter and joy.
After we celebrated as a city and as a nation, it was family time. Time to gather and sneak a few bites of stuffing before the long awaited meal was served. What a time to feel good and appreciate being with each other. A time to give thanks! It was a feeling I learned well and one that has always stayed with me.
The question I have for you is, what really changes during Thanksgiving? Did the people really change? Did the city really become a town? What was the event that changed?
When working with clients I often perform the following exercise. I ask them to move from chair to chair in my office and take a look at the room, finally retuning to the original position. Then I ask, “From each chair the room looked different, didn’t it?” The answer is always, “Yes.” Next I ask, “Did anything really physically change in the room?” The answer always being, “No.” The point being that nothing in life really has to change for you to enjoy it, other than the point of view you choose to take. What chair do you want to look at your life from, the chair of have nots and disappointment, or the chair of opportunities, appreciation and gratitude?
Change your point of view and you change your life. What changed the city into a town was everyone taking on the same point of view. When large groups take on the same point of view, whether negative or positive, you feel the common energy. What transforms Thanksgiving is the abundance of positive energy and you can feel it in your bones.
It is time for all of us to change our attitudes!
Did you know that the Macy’s parade was not started by Macy’s? The employees of Macy’s were once made up mostly of immigrants who were truly appreciative of their lives and opportunities here in the United States. All from different backgrounds, countries and religions, they gathered at 125th Street dressed as clowns and other costumes carrying balloons. They marched in celebration and gratitude to Macy’s on 34th Street. 250,000 people came out to watch them and be part of the celebration of life itself.
It was such a success that Macy’s fully got behind it the following year and it has been part of our tradition ever since. That was back in 1927. It’s amazing how we can affect the world with our individual initiative and actions. Yes, you can also affect your life with the actions you take. We do not need a specific holiday such as Thanksgiving to be positive and come together. The Pilgrims did so whenever the occasion called for it.
We are here and living freely as we do so tell yourself every day, “I’m having a great day!” That means “I want to do my best everyday and look at life from the chair of opportunities and appreciation!”
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.’
Change the seat you look at your life this Thanksgiving. It’s simple; get up and sit in a different chair and think about all the blessings and opportunities you have in your life and be thankful.
About the author:
About The Author- As a life coach, Devlyn has made helping people find ways to improve their lives his personal mission and passion. He is a public consultant, a private counselor, an author and creator of Tools To Life. He has hosted his own radio shows called "Tools To Life" and "Love beat" and has been a guest on over 150 various shows. You can read his articles and advice all over the internet. Devlyn has often been referred to as "America's Leading Life-Coach." For more information visit or Send Questions To:
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The Trouble With Moissanite
by: Gary La Court
Natural mined diamonds have been coming under a lot of heat recently. Award-winning journalist Cecil Adams sums it up the best in a recent article: “diamonds are a scam, pure and simple.” Most people in the new millennium understand that between the DeBeers diamond cartel, the issue of child labor in Third World diamond processing operations, and “blood diamonds” used to finance oppression and genocide in Third World African countries, not to mention your snooty and pretentious local jeweler, diamonds are just not worth the hassle, guilt, and let’s not forget thousands and thousands of questionably spent dollars.
Lately, new synthetic diamonds have come on the market that have all of the look, appeal, and glittering beauty of natural diamonds, but without the baggage, and at a fraction of the cost.
Since moissanite burst upon the scene in the late 90s, it has created quite a stir. Moissanite is gem-quality silicon carbide. The production of moissanite is a proprietary process and it is available only from C3 Inc, a division of Cree Research.
When moissanite was first introduced to the market it created a great deal of publicity. This was due to the fact that moissanite would often fool a jeweler into thinking it was a natural diamond. Both the Nova and 20/20 TV news shows did segments featuring hidden cameras showing jewelers fooled and embarrassed by moissanite. What was actually happening though was not quite so simple.
Jewelers generally rely on something called a “thermal-probe” to detect a fake diamond. Thermal probes work well with cubic zirconia, for instance. Moissanite, however, has a thermal conductivity that is very close to diamond. They were able to fool the older thermal probes. The fact of the matter is though; moissanite really just does not look that much like diamond. The two substances have radically different optical properties. These differences are clearly visible to the naked eye. It was obvious in both the Nova and 20/20 segments that the jewelers were clearly confused. They kept looking at the stone and then testing at and saying things like, “Well, I guess it must be real.” What they were really saying is “Well, I guess it must be real, but it sure is a weird looking diamond!”
Problems with Moissanite as a Diamond Stimulant
Unlike natural diamonds, or some of the better quality synthetic diamonds like those available from Diamond Nexus Labs, ( moissanite stones have an optical quality known as “hexagonal polytypic.” What this means is that moissanite is doubly-refractive. And because of this they create a strong visual effect known as “birefringence.” This is visually seen as a doubling of the stone’s back facets that creates a marked “drunk-vision” effect.
Moissanite has a dispersive power nearly 2.5 times greater than that of diamond. This creates what’s known as the “disco-ball” effect. Some think that this excess fire is beautiful; others think it cheap and fake looking.
It is impossible to produce a pure white moissanite. The stones have a quality known as “fluorescence” that causes them to appear slightly green or gray. This effect is much greater under natural light. In the jewelry store a moissanite dealer will always show the stones under a pink tinged light, as this tends to cancel out the fluorescence. Many people say they loved their moissanite ring until they got it into the sunlight.
Due to its relatively extensive manufacturing process and the fact that it is only available from one source, moissanite tends to be quite expensive (though still cheap when compared to diamonds) good quality moissanite stones run around $520 per caret.
Better Synthetic Diamond Alternatives
In the last two years there have been almost miraculous breakthroughs in the science of synthetic diamond creation. There are several new processes that create gemstones that are virtually indistinguishable from natural diamonds. One of the best I have found are the gemstones available from I recently did independent research for several synthetic diamond companies and found their products to be among the best.
Diamond Nexus gemstones cut glass, they have brilliance, dispersion and radiance factors that are very close to mined diamond, and best of all, as they are new in the US market, they are priced at an incredible $79 per caret. This is a bargain that probably will not last.
Moissanite stones are beautiful in their own right. They offer great sparkle and flash. However, if you truly are trying to purchase a gemstone that comes as close as possible to the properties of a natural diamond moissanite is not the best choice.
About the author:
Gary LaCourt is an expert in refractive dynamics and a technical consultant who has recently done independent research for a consortium of synthetic and a natural gemstone producers including
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Natural mined diamonds have been coming under a lot of heat recently. Award-winning journalist Cecil Adams sums it up the best in a recent article: “diamonds are a scam, pure and simple.” Most people in the new millennium understand that between the DeBeers diamond cartel, the issue of child labor in Third World diamond processing operations, and “blood diamonds” used to finance oppression and genocide in Third World African countries, not to mention your snooty and pretentious local jeweler, diamonds are just not worth the hassle, guilt, and let’s not forget thousands and thousands of questionably spent dollars.
Lately, new synthetic diamonds have come on the market that have all of the look, appeal, and glittering beauty of natural diamonds, but without the baggage, and at a fraction of the cost.
Since moissanite burst upon the scene in the late 90s, it has created quite a stir. Moissanite is gem-quality silicon carbide. The production of moissanite is a proprietary process and it is available only from C3 Inc, a division of Cree Research.
When moissanite was first introduced to the market it created a great deal of publicity. This was due to the fact that moissanite would often fool a jeweler into thinking it was a natural diamond. Both the Nova and 20/20 TV news shows did segments featuring hidden cameras showing jewelers fooled and embarrassed by moissanite. What was actually happening though was not quite so simple.
Jewelers generally rely on something called a “thermal-probe” to detect a fake diamond. Thermal probes work well with cubic zirconia, for instance. Moissanite, however, has a thermal conductivity that is very close to diamond. They were able to fool the older thermal probes. The fact of the matter is though; moissanite really just does not look that much like diamond. The two substances have radically different optical properties. These differences are clearly visible to the naked eye. It was obvious in both the Nova and 20/20 segments that the jewelers were clearly confused. They kept looking at the stone and then testing at and saying things like, “Well, I guess it must be real.” What they were really saying is “Well, I guess it must be real, but it sure is a weird looking diamond!”
Problems with Moissanite as a Diamond Stimulant
Unlike natural diamonds, or some of the better quality synthetic diamonds like those available from Diamond Nexus Labs, ( moissanite stones have an optical quality known as “hexagonal polytypic.” What this means is that moissanite is doubly-refractive. And because of this they create a strong visual effect known as “birefringence.” This is visually seen as a doubling of the stone’s back facets that creates a marked “drunk-vision” effect.
Moissanite has a dispersive power nearly 2.5 times greater than that of diamond. This creates what’s known as the “disco-ball” effect. Some think that this excess fire is beautiful; others think it cheap and fake looking.
It is impossible to produce a pure white moissanite. The stones have a quality known as “fluorescence” that causes them to appear slightly green or gray. This effect is much greater under natural light. In the jewelry store a moissanite dealer will always show the stones under a pink tinged light, as this tends to cancel out the fluorescence. Many people say they loved their moissanite ring until they got it into the sunlight.
Due to its relatively extensive manufacturing process and the fact that it is only available from one source, moissanite tends to be quite expensive (though still cheap when compared to diamonds) good quality moissanite stones run around $520 per caret.
Better Synthetic Diamond Alternatives
In the last two years there have been almost miraculous breakthroughs in the science of synthetic diamond creation. There are several new processes that create gemstones that are virtually indistinguishable from natural diamonds. One of the best I have found are the gemstones available from I recently did independent research for several synthetic diamond companies and found their products to be among the best.
Diamond Nexus gemstones cut glass, they have brilliance, dispersion and radiance factors that are very close to mined diamond, and best of all, as they are new in the US market, they are priced at an incredible $79 per caret. This is a bargain that probably will not last.
Moissanite stones are beautiful in their own right. They offer great sparkle and flash. However, if you truly are trying to purchase a gemstone that comes as close as possible to the properties of a natural diamond moissanite is not the best choice.
About the author:
Gary LaCourt is an expert in refractive dynamics and a technical consultant who has recently done independent research for a consortium of synthetic and a natural gemstone producers including
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Your Craft Show Booth - How it can make you more money!
by: Natalie Goyette
The requirements for your booth will be spelled out in your
contract for each show. This includes set up and break down
times and policies to which you must adhere. In order to avoid
having to have different displays for different shows, it makes
sense to create a moveable display that will work well in the
majority of situations—both for indoor and outdoor events. Even
if the promoter supplies a backdrop, a rug or tables, you can
bring your whole set-up and use it instead. Your display is your
portable store, and since it reflects you and your product, you
want it to be outstanding! A display that creates the best
presentation for your crafts can make a huge difference in how
well you sell your crafts.
Because you and your booth will be constant traveling
companions, make sure it's light yet sturdy, easily collapsible
and just as easy to erect. You need to be prepared for wind,
rain and bratty children running around knocking into display
poles! Your booth may continuously evolve, and it may take years
to find the best set up, only to find colors and trends
changing, or your products developing and the whole look of your
booth needing a facelift. As a creative person, have fun with
your booth and allow your skills as a craftsperson to spill over
into booth creation and display. If you need help with the
construction, ask male friends or family members for
assistance—and ask female friends for help with display ideas.
(Or vice versa as the case may be.)
A professional display marks you as a professional and enhances
your products to promote optimum sales. Basically you want the
space to be comfortable for you and customers. You want it to be
inviting, making customers feel welcome enough to cross over the
threshold that separates the lookers from the buyers. It should
be comfortable for you too, as you will be in it for days on
end. It also needs to be attractive, yet well organized for a 10
X 10 space (or slightly larger in some cases). Use of colorful
signs, banners and accessories attract people and enhance your
craft items, hopefully encouraging visitors to pick them up.
Use colors that follow a theme or complement the predominant
colors or style of your products. Red, white and blue would be a
good theme for country items, while black and silver would be a
more contemporary look. Each craft style will dictate the best
overall look for your display. You also need to have an area for
doing business—taking money, wrapping and writing receipts—as
well as a space for storage. If that sounds like a tall order,
it is! That's why it may take a while to get it right. Observe
other booths and record what you like and don't like. Then take
the best of the best and incorporate those ideas into your booth.
The entrance to the booth is critical. It's the make or break
point for drawing a potential customer in. Experiment until you
find the best mix of color, signage, banners, spacing and
product display that works best to get people in "the door."
Booth openings should be wide enough to allow several people in,
and you should never stand out front or in the entry obstructing
the flow. Have your bestsellers, lowest priced or most striking
products closest to the entrance so you can optimize the five
seconds you have to capture the potential buyer's attention!
Your booth sets a mood that is immediately picked up by shoppers
passing by. Make sure it sets the right mood to interest people
in stopping to take a look at your amazing crafts. Have the
products in as natural setting as possible, that is, if you have
home décor items, create a homey environment. If you create
baskets, fill them with what people would naturally fill them
with—and vary this throughout the year based on seasons and
holidays. If you produce jewelry items, have earrings and
necklaces on mannequins to see how they would look, and have
plenty of mirrors for customers to try things on.
Display objects at eye level or slightly higher, but not on the
ground. Have multiple levels of display for greater visual
appeal. Hanging products should not obstruct views or be a
hazard to a customer walking through your space. Place your
crafts so they are easily accessible and so customers will feel
comfortable picking them up—and not afraid they will break
something or mess up a "perfect" display. Statistics reveal
people are four times more likely to make a purchase when they
have touched the item.
Booth design, product display and merchandising must all be
carefully planned out as part of your overall sales strategy.
Once you commit to taking your craft from pastime to profits,
you become a professional businessperson and creating a quality
booth and stunning display will be worth the effort in increased
About the author:
Natalie Goyette shows you how to make your craft show business profitable in her best-selling e-book: Craft Show Success Secrets
Visit her site at
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For more information visit
The requirements for your booth will be spelled out in your
contract for each show. This includes set up and break down
times and policies to which you must adhere. In order to avoid
having to have different displays for different shows, it makes
sense to create a moveable display that will work well in the
majority of situations—both for indoor and outdoor events. Even
if the promoter supplies a backdrop, a rug or tables, you can
bring your whole set-up and use it instead. Your display is your
portable store, and since it reflects you and your product, you
want it to be outstanding! A display that creates the best
presentation for your crafts can make a huge difference in how
well you sell your crafts.
Because you and your booth will be constant traveling
companions, make sure it's light yet sturdy, easily collapsible
and just as easy to erect. You need to be prepared for wind,
rain and bratty children running around knocking into display
poles! Your booth may continuously evolve, and it may take years
to find the best set up, only to find colors and trends
changing, or your products developing and the whole look of your
booth needing a facelift. As a creative person, have fun with
your booth and allow your skills as a craftsperson to spill over
into booth creation and display. If you need help with the
construction, ask male friends or family members for
assistance—and ask female friends for help with display ideas.
(Or vice versa as the case may be.)
A professional display marks you as a professional and enhances
your products to promote optimum sales. Basically you want the
space to be comfortable for you and customers. You want it to be
inviting, making customers feel welcome enough to cross over the
threshold that separates the lookers from the buyers. It should
be comfortable for you too, as you will be in it for days on
end. It also needs to be attractive, yet well organized for a 10
X 10 space (or slightly larger in some cases). Use of colorful
signs, banners and accessories attract people and enhance your
craft items, hopefully encouraging visitors to pick them up.
Use colors that follow a theme or complement the predominant
colors or style of your products. Red, white and blue would be a
good theme for country items, while black and silver would be a
more contemporary look. Each craft style will dictate the best
overall look for your display. You also need to have an area for
doing business—taking money, wrapping and writing receipts—as
well as a space for storage. If that sounds like a tall order,
it is! That's why it may take a while to get it right. Observe
other booths and record what you like and don't like. Then take
the best of the best and incorporate those ideas into your booth.
The entrance to the booth is critical. It's the make or break
point for drawing a potential customer in. Experiment until you
find the best mix of color, signage, banners, spacing and
product display that works best to get people in "the door."
Booth openings should be wide enough to allow several people in,
and you should never stand out front or in the entry obstructing
the flow. Have your bestsellers, lowest priced or most striking
products closest to the entrance so you can optimize the five
seconds you have to capture the potential buyer's attention!
Your booth sets a mood that is immediately picked up by shoppers
passing by. Make sure it sets the right mood to interest people
in stopping to take a look at your amazing crafts. Have the
products in as natural setting as possible, that is, if you have
home décor items, create a homey environment. If you create
baskets, fill them with what people would naturally fill them
with—and vary this throughout the year based on seasons and
holidays. If you produce jewelry items, have earrings and
necklaces on mannequins to see how they would look, and have
plenty of mirrors for customers to try things on.
Display objects at eye level or slightly higher, but not on the
ground. Have multiple levels of display for greater visual
appeal. Hanging products should not obstruct views or be a
hazard to a customer walking through your space. Place your
crafts so they are easily accessible and so customers will feel
comfortable picking them up—and not afraid they will break
something or mess up a "perfect" display. Statistics reveal
people are four times more likely to make a purchase when they
have touched the item.
Booth design, product display and merchandising must all be
carefully planned out as part of your overall sales strategy.
Once you commit to taking your craft from pastime to profits,
you become a professional businessperson and creating a quality
booth and stunning display will be worth the effort in increased
About the author:
Natalie Goyette shows you how to make your craft show business profitable in her best-selling e-book: Craft Show Success Secrets
Visit her site at
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Toss it, or keep it?
by: Jennifer Holder
If you are a product junkie like me then you probably have lotions, creams, tubes of lipstick etc that have been sitting in the same spot untouched for several months or even years. You know the items that you just had to have but then forgot about after the thrill of buying it wore off. This article is intended to be used as a guide for product junkies everywhere to know when a product should be thrown away or kept around for a little while longer.
Everything has a shelf life including our make-up and all other potions and lotions. But there are things you can do to lengthen the life of your products.
1. Keep your products out of the bathroom this includes any prescriptions or over the counter medications too. Humidity can affect the life of all products.
2. Keep away from extreme temperatures including direct sunlight which could change the color and fragrance.
3. Do not share any products unless they come in a pump bottle or new applicator for each use. Bacteria can build up and shorten the life of your product. Or worse cause you to get an infection.
Lotions and Creams
Separation after sitting for a while means the product should be tossed. Smell is also an important factor. If the products smell changes in any way that is a good indication that it has expired. Toss it!
Foundations, moisturizers etc all have a shelf life of about a year after opening as long as they are stored properly. If you notice any change in consistency or fragrance it’s a pretty safe bet that it is no longer good. If you still have that cover up from when you went to prom do yourself a favor and Toss it!
If stored properly away from heat and cold your favorite scent can last 3 to 5 years. It is a good idea to store fragrances in a cool dark area such as a jewelry box or drawer.
All types of powders including blush and eye shadow have a pretty long shelf life as long as you use a new or cleaned applicator with each use. Have you ever seen someone’s powder compact with a dark film on top? That is an accumulation of oils from the skin that have been trapped in the puff and then absorbed into the powder. Yuck! Avoid this by either washing your applicator regularly or buying a bag of applicators at a dollar store and use a fresh one each time you apply your powder. Powder brushes for loose powder should be cleaned at least once a week to keep your powder fresh.
Pencils have a pretty long shelf life because every time you sharpen eyeliner or lip pencil you are exposing new product. It is a good idea to sharpen your pencils at least once a week to remove any contaminants. Do not let your pencils get wet and then dry out again. This may cause mold to form.
Lipsticks and glosses
Bacteria does not thrive on wax based products so these types of products tend to last quit a long time about 1 to 2 years. If you notice “beading” on the surface of your lipstick this indicates that it has been exposed to heat or is aging. Check the color and consistency and if it appears to have changed: Toss it! Lip glosses with wand applicators should never be shared because bacteria can get trapped inside the container. To be on the safe side replace these types of glosses every six months.
Mascara and Liquid Eyeliner
The MAX shelf life for these kinds of products is 3 months!! Do yourself a favor and label your mascara’s and liquid eyeliners with the date that it was opened on the package somewhere. Your eye area is one of the most sensitive parts on your body. You do not want to take any chances of getting some sort of infection. It is also a bad idea to share these types of products too. When you use mascara or liner do not pump the wand, this cause air and bacteria to get trapped inside. Instead wipe the sides of the tube to pick up color.
Products like the ones mentioned in this article can make you look and feel you’re best but it is important to know that it is not a good idea to keep these types of things for an extended period of time. I would suggest you do a “spring” clean of your make-up bag every three months or so. Then go shopping for new products! You deserve it!
About the author:
Jennifer Holder is an Independent AVON Representative and a Stay at home mom with two children. She can be contacted by email at or by visiting her website at you can also find more great tips and advice on health and beauty.
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© 2007 - All Rights Reserved
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If you are a product junkie like me then you probably have lotions, creams, tubes of lipstick etc that have been sitting in the same spot untouched for several months or even years. You know the items that you just had to have but then forgot about after the thrill of buying it wore off. This article is intended to be used as a guide for product junkies everywhere to know when a product should be thrown away or kept around for a little while longer.
Everything has a shelf life including our make-up and all other potions and lotions. But there are things you can do to lengthen the life of your products.
1. Keep your products out of the bathroom this includes any prescriptions or over the counter medications too. Humidity can affect the life of all products.
2. Keep away from extreme temperatures including direct sunlight which could change the color and fragrance.
3. Do not share any products unless they come in a pump bottle or new applicator for each use. Bacteria can build up and shorten the life of your product. Or worse cause you to get an infection.
Lotions and Creams
Separation after sitting for a while means the product should be tossed. Smell is also an important factor. If the products smell changes in any way that is a good indication that it has expired. Toss it!
Foundations, moisturizers etc all have a shelf life of about a year after opening as long as they are stored properly. If you notice any change in consistency or fragrance it’s a pretty safe bet that it is no longer good. If you still have that cover up from when you went to prom do yourself a favor and Toss it!
If stored properly away from heat and cold your favorite scent can last 3 to 5 years. It is a good idea to store fragrances in a cool dark area such as a jewelry box or drawer.
All types of powders including blush and eye shadow have a pretty long shelf life as long as you use a new or cleaned applicator with each use. Have you ever seen someone’s powder compact with a dark film on top? That is an accumulation of oils from the skin that have been trapped in the puff and then absorbed into the powder. Yuck! Avoid this by either washing your applicator regularly or buying a bag of applicators at a dollar store and use a fresh one each time you apply your powder. Powder brushes for loose powder should be cleaned at least once a week to keep your powder fresh.
Pencils have a pretty long shelf life because every time you sharpen eyeliner or lip pencil you are exposing new product. It is a good idea to sharpen your pencils at least once a week to remove any contaminants. Do not let your pencils get wet and then dry out again. This may cause mold to form.
Lipsticks and glosses
Bacteria does not thrive on wax based products so these types of products tend to last quit a long time about 1 to 2 years. If you notice “beading” on the surface of your lipstick this indicates that it has been exposed to heat or is aging. Check the color and consistency and if it appears to have changed: Toss it! Lip glosses with wand applicators should never be shared because bacteria can get trapped inside the container. To be on the safe side replace these types of glosses every six months.
Mascara and Liquid Eyeliner
The MAX shelf life for these kinds of products is 3 months!! Do yourself a favor and label your mascara’s and liquid eyeliners with the date that it was opened on the package somewhere. Your eye area is one of the most sensitive parts on your body. You do not want to take any chances of getting some sort of infection. It is also a bad idea to share these types of products too. When you use mascara or liner do not pump the wand, this cause air and bacteria to get trapped inside. Instead wipe the sides of the tube to pick up color.
Products like the ones mentioned in this article can make you look and feel you’re best but it is important to know that it is not a good idea to keep these types of things for an extended period of time. I would suggest you do a “spring” clean of your make-up bag every three months or so. Then go shopping for new products! You deserve it!
About the author:
Jennifer Holder is an Independent AVON Representative and a Stay at home mom with two children. She can be contacted by email at or by visiting her website at you can also find more great tips and advice on health and beauty.
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© 2007 - All Rights Reserved
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Long Distance Relationships - How to Make it Work
by: Rachelle Arlin Credo
Long distance relationships are dreadful. I know this because I'm currently living one. You watch other couples walk down the street hand-in-hand, kissing, etc., everyday and you can't do anything but envy them. So how can a long distance relationship work? How can you keep on loving someone if you can't even see them?
The answer depends on how much you want it to work. True love can overcome any odds thrown in its path if you want it bad enough. So the question is, how do you do it? Well, I do not think that anyone knows exactly how to make it work, but I can certainly provide some points on making it work.
1. COMMUNICATION is the key.
In every relationship, whether near or far, if communication is taken for granted, it can cause the relationship to quiver until it eventually dies a natural death. That's why in any given circumstance, communication has to be given utmost importance. There are so many available media to ensure that the communication stays open. From snail mails and phone calls to chat systems and e-mails or e-cards. These media can be effective means to convey your hearts desires to your loved ones. Let them know about what you've been doing and thinking because in that way they will feel like they are there with you. This will also help you feel close even though you are miles apart.
2. Send off CARE PACKAGES.
It can be anything -- a little gift of flowers; a collection of the letters he has sent you designed artistically into a scrapbook; or your sweetheart's favorite jewelry -- it's really only limited to your imagination. Engaging yourself in this way is beneficial for both of you. You get to concentrate on gathering these items and putting them together, thus keeping your mind off not being together to a certain extent. Your loved one will see how much effort you put into it and how much you care. Even if it is nothing more than a card,it shows they mean enough to you that you can take the time to let them know. It never takes much money to show a little love with a small gift. Trust me, it can melt a heart!
3. Keep yourself BUSY.
You couldn't just sit there and wait 'til he comes back to you. What if he doesn't come back at all and all you did was sit and get your tummy flabby, won't that make you just miserable? You won't just be stunting your growth as an individual in the process but you'd also be developing emotional insecurities. In order to avoid that, you have to focus yourself on other things while waiting. Try to identify your passions. Get in touch with your creative nature. If you are a homebody, you can read tons of books which can help you grow intellectually and emotionally or you can choose to lounge before your computer and surf for hours to learn invaluable things over the internet. It's an endless "ways-to-make-yourself-busy" list and it is up to you to decide whichever you're interested to get involved in. But remember, being "busy" is not an excuse to forget your "special days" and worse yet, your loved one. You're doing it not just to occupy yourself but also to allow yourself to grow even with your lover's absence.
4. HONESTY is the best policy.
The path to true intimacy and connection especially in a long distance relationship is through "total honesty" to each other in the fullest sense of the words. By being authentic and telling your full truth to your loved one about your thoughts, feelings, needs, wants, issues, boundaries, etc., you are gradually building up a zone of confidence and comfort for both of you. This is very essential if you want your relationship to really last. Seeking to avoid conflict and maintain harmony by censoring yourself can work for a while but it won't take much time until your suppressed truth comes out in other ways, such as withdrawal, resentment, "acting out," etc. I know, sometimes, telling your whole truth can be difficult and even scary, but it will result in the kind of relationship that you really want-- a relationship where all the cards are laid in the table.
5. The value of TRUST
Trust is a very fundamental aspect in any relationship. That is because having trust in a relationship takes away doubt. When you trust someone you never have to question their motivation about anything and with mutual trust that relationship is solid. You must learn to be true to the relationship and must never give way to insecurities, strange feelings, suspicions and quick impulses because these will only bring your relationship down. Don't push away negative comments, or advice. Just trust in yourself and your partner. If you two are true to each other and have no hidden motives then you'll be alright. Remember "Love never fails."
6. COMMITMENT is a habit not an achievement
In every relationship, it is a must to be able to learn how to commit and be committed. For most long distance relationships, the very reason why they fail is because both parties couldn't go on with the commitment and they feel too weak to withstand the tribulations of time.If you have committed yourselves to each other without shilly-shallying, then you have a good promise ahead of you.Your comitment to each other will keep the passion alive and the fires burning thus sustaining the growth of the relationship.
7. PATIENCE is a virtue.
Being in a long distance relationship requires being steadfast and persevering. If you aren't this kind of person and you're involved in a long distance relationship, then as much as now, you better try to learn to be patient. Focus your attention on all the positive aspects of the relationship and never give your hopes up. Showing that you value your partner and the relationship and that you are willing to work patiently through it will let them know you truly love them.
This is applicable only for those who have the comfort of having their own personal computers at home.But for those who don't, there are computers-for-rent in cafe's with webcams already attached to the computer system. Having a webcam is actually very fun and exciting. Even if you aren't together but looking at each other's face in the broad screen makes you feel like you're just so close, so near to your loved one. My boyfriend and I use Yahoo messenger to express our emotions with smileys and it's melting my heart to see him smile in the cam when he gets my messages.
9. Make special occasions SPECIAL.
It is not everyday that a special day comes so when it does, it must be celebrated no matter how far apart you are. When I speak of special occasions, I mean birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, New Year and Valentine's Day. During these occasions, you can plan out some heavy-duty phone call or an extended online time for the evening. Regardless of whether you talk every night or a couple times a week, be sure you both carve out some time for that particular night. If you're too stingy to settle on a lengthy phone call, but have cheap and unlimited online access, plan to send instant messages to each other or meet in a private chatroom somewhere. If you can't be together, at least you can be "talking" and "spending some private moments together".
Not because your loved one is away, it doesn't mean that your "life" is taken away with him as he sets on for greener pastures. You have your own life to live and you must live it up to the purpose you were created for, with or without your loved one.Anyway, we have our family and friends. What are these social beings surrounding us created for anyway?
Remember,there are definite hardships associated with this relationship style but it is important that those who thrive in a long distance relationship see the suffering, difficulties, distance and time as tools in cultivating their love and rearing up the maturity in their relationship. The best you can do is to strive to be the best of who you are as a person while your partner is away so that when he comes back to you, you are already a full-grown individual whom he will love even more and be more proud of more than ever! For now, just be happy in knowing that across the miles there is someone who thinks you are so special, they are willing to engage in a terrible thing such as a long distance relationship. Keep in mind that your suffering is not forever since your loved one will be back soon and when that time comes, everything will be much sweeter than it was back then.
About the author:
Rachelle Arlin Credo is an entrepreneur and relationship coach. She also works as an image consultant and part-time writer. Her stories, articles, essays and poetry have been published in various magazines and online publications.
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© 2007 - All Rights Reserved
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Long distance relationships are dreadful. I know this because I'm currently living one. You watch other couples walk down the street hand-in-hand, kissing, etc., everyday and you can't do anything but envy them. So how can a long distance relationship work? How can you keep on loving someone if you can't even see them?
The answer depends on how much you want it to work. True love can overcome any odds thrown in its path if you want it bad enough. So the question is, how do you do it? Well, I do not think that anyone knows exactly how to make it work, but I can certainly provide some points on making it work.
1. COMMUNICATION is the key.
In every relationship, whether near or far, if communication is taken for granted, it can cause the relationship to quiver until it eventually dies a natural death. That's why in any given circumstance, communication has to be given utmost importance. There are so many available media to ensure that the communication stays open. From snail mails and phone calls to chat systems and e-mails or e-cards. These media can be effective means to convey your hearts desires to your loved ones. Let them know about what you've been doing and thinking because in that way they will feel like they are there with you. This will also help you feel close even though you are miles apart.
2. Send off CARE PACKAGES.
It can be anything -- a little gift of flowers; a collection of the letters he has sent you designed artistically into a scrapbook; or your sweetheart's favorite jewelry -- it's really only limited to your imagination. Engaging yourself in this way is beneficial for both of you. You get to concentrate on gathering these items and putting them together, thus keeping your mind off not being together to a certain extent. Your loved one will see how much effort you put into it and how much you care. Even if it is nothing more than a card,it shows they mean enough to you that you can take the time to let them know. It never takes much money to show a little love with a small gift. Trust me, it can melt a heart!
3. Keep yourself BUSY.
You couldn't just sit there and wait 'til he comes back to you. What if he doesn't come back at all and all you did was sit and get your tummy flabby, won't that make you just miserable? You won't just be stunting your growth as an individual in the process but you'd also be developing emotional insecurities. In order to avoid that, you have to focus yourself on other things while waiting. Try to identify your passions. Get in touch with your creative nature. If you are a homebody, you can read tons of books which can help you grow intellectually and emotionally or you can choose to lounge before your computer and surf for hours to learn invaluable things over the internet. It's an endless "ways-to-make-yourself-busy" list and it is up to you to decide whichever you're interested to get involved in. But remember, being "busy" is not an excuse to forget your "special days" and worse yet, your loved one. You're doing it not just to occupy yourself but also to allow yourself to grow even with your lover's absence.
4. HONESTY is the best policy.
The path to true intimacy and connection especially in a long distance relationship is through "total honesty" to each other in the fullest sense of the words. By being authentic and telling your full truth to your loved one about your thoughts, feelings, needs, wants, issues, boundaries, etc., you are gradually building up a zone of confidence and comfort for both of you. This is very essential if you want your relationship to really last. Seeking to avoid conflict and maintain harmony by censoring yourself can work for a while but it won't take much time until your suppressed truth comes out in other ways, such as withdrawal, resentment, "acting out," etc. I know, sometimes, telling your whole truth can be difficult and even scary, but it will result in the kind of relationship that you really want-- a relationship where all the cards are laid in the table.
5. The value of TRUST
Trust is a very fundamental aspect in any relationship. That is because having trust in a relationship takes away doubt. When you trust someone you never have to question their motivation about anything and with mutual trust that relationship is solid. You must learn to be true to the relationship and must never give way to insecurities, strange feelings, suspicions and quick impulses because these will only bring your relationship down. Don't push away negative comments, or advice. Just trust in yourself and your partner. If you two are true to each other and have no hidden motives then you'll be alright. Remember "Love never fails."
6. COMMITMENT is a habit not an achievement
In every relationship, it is a must to be able to learn how to commit and be committed. For most long distance relationships, the very reason why they fail is because both parties couldn't go on with the commitment and they feel too weak to withstand the tribulations of time.If you have committed yourselves to each other without shilly-shallying, then you have a good promise ahead of you.Your comitment to each other will keep the passion alive and the fires burning thus sustaining the growth of the relationship.
7. PATIENCE is a virtue.
Being in a long distance relationship requires being steadfast and persevering. If you aren't this kind of person and you're involved in a long distance relationship, then as much as now, you better try to learn to be patient. Focus your attention on all the positive aspects of the relationship and never give your hopes up. Showing that you value your partner and the relationship and that you are willing to work patiently through it will let them know you truly love them.
This is applicable only for those who have the comfort of having their own personal computers at home.But for those who don't, there are computers-for-rent in cafe's with webcams already attached to the computer system. Having a webcam is actually very fun and exciting. Even if you aren't together but looking at each other's face in the broad screen makes you feel like you're just so close, so near to your loved one. My boyfriend and I use Yahoo messenger to express our emotions with smileys and it's melting my heart to see him smile in the cam when he gets my messages.
9. Make special occasions SPECIAL.
It is not everyday that a special day comes so when it does, it must be celebrated no matter how far apart you are. When I speak of special occasions, I mean birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, New Year and Valentine's Day. During these occasions, you can plan out some heavy-duty phone call or an extended online time for the evening. Regardless of whether you talk every night or a couple times a week, be sure you both carve out some time for that particular night. If you're too stingy to settle on a lengthy phone call, but have cheap and unlimited online access, plan to send instant messages to each other or meet in a private chatroom somewhere. If you can't be together, at least you can be "talking" and "spending some private moments together".
Not because your loved one is away, it doesn't mean that your "life" is taken away with him as he sets on for greener pastures. You have your own life to live and you must live it up to the purpose you were created for, with or without your loved one.Anyway, we have our family and friends. What are these social beings surrounding us created for anyway?
Remember,there are definite hardships associated with this relationship style but it is important that those who thrive in a long distance relationship see the suffering, difficulties, distance and time as tools in cultivating their love and rearing up the maturity in their relationship. The best you can do is to strive to be the best of who you are as a person while your partner is away so that when he comes back to you, you are already a full-grown individual whom he will love even more and be more proud of more than ever! For now, just be happy in knowing that across the miles there is someone who thinks you are so special, they are willing to engage in a terrible thing such as a long distance relationship. Keep in mind that your suffering is not forever since your loved one will be back soon and when that time comes, everything will be much sweeter than it was back then.
About the author:
Rachelle Arlin Credo is an entrepreneur and relationship coach. She also works as an image consultant and part-time writer. Her stories, articles, essays and poetry have been published in various magazines and online publications.
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© 2007 - All Rights Reserved
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How Gifts Can Expose a Cheating Husband
by: Ruth Houston
If you’ve been plagued by the feeling that your husband may be having an affair, the gifts he gives or receives can help you confirm your suspicions. They can also provide you with tangible proof of his infidelity. Lovers frequently give each other gifts. But this could be a cheating husband’s undoing. A wife who knows what to look for and where to look can usually find solid evidence of her husband’s affair.
Gifts Cost Money
No self-respecting man would attempt to impress his lover with a cheap token of his affection. He’ll spend whatever amount he deems necessary to buy her a decent gift. The more impressive the gift, the more money it will cost. And you can usually find evidence of his spending somewhere.
How to Find the Paper Trail
If your husband doesn’t pay cash for his lover’s gifts, he’ll pay by check or use a credit card. Whatever method he chooses, there’s a usually paper trail.
Check the bank statements, if you have access to them. Have there been any suspicious withdrawals from your bank accounts? Are there any cancelled checks for large amounts made out to “cash”? Take a really close look at the time period shortly before or after Christmas or Valentine’s Day.
Closely scrutinize each of your husband’s ATM withdrawal slips. Are there any large, unexplained ATM withdrawals? Read the information on each ATM slip. Is there anything unusual about the time, place or amount of the withdrawals?
Pay close attention to his credit card bills. Especially those for the months of December, January and February when Christmas or Valentine’s charges are likely to show up. Any unusual charges made at jewelry stores, women’s specialty stores, or boutiques, florists, day spas, restaurants etc. could be evidence of gifts bought for his lover.
What about actual charge slips or store receipts? Men tend to be careless about these things. Check his wallet, his pockets, backpack, briefcase, desk or dresser drawers. If you find evidence of gift items you didn’t personally receive, that should raise a red flag in your mind. If your husband didn’t give these gifts to you, who did he give them to?
Heather’s Story:
While going through her husband’s ATM slips, Heather noticed that all but one of his ATM withdrawals were made at the same bank. The suspicious one was made from an ATM machine located in a large shopping mall, and was dated February 12th – 2 days before Valentine’s Day. Even more suspicious was the amount – which was nearly 5 times the amount of his usual withdrawals – far more than the cost of the flowers, box of chocolates and Valentine’s Day card he gave Heather.
Rita’s Story
While dressing for work, Rita’s husband casually mentioned that today he was treating his secretary to lunch at a French restaurant for “Secretary’s Day. Rita became suspicious when he came home from work 3 ½ hours later than usual. While he was watching the 11 o’clock news that night, Rita quickly searched her husband’s wallet and the pockets of the suit he wore to work that day for clues as to where he might have been. She was about to dismiss the receipt from the French restaurant when the time stamp on it caught her eye. It indicated that he had indeed eaten there -- but for dinner, not for lunch. Now Rita knew why he was unreachable by phone at the office earlier that evening when she called to ask him to pick up orange juice on his way home from work.
Susan’s Story
While checking her husband’s pockets before dropping his clothes off at the cleaners, Susan found a jewelry store receipt for 2 pairs of earrings. When she asked her husband about it, he told her the receipt was for the earrings he’d given her for her birthday the previous week. Susan pointed out that the receipt was for 2 identical pairs of earrings. Caught off guard, he could not come up with an explanation for what he had done with the other pair.
Other Places to Look
Check various places in and around your home for hidden gifts -- under the bed, in the back of a file cabinet or dresser drawer, on the floor at the back of the closet, or the back of a seldom-used shelf.
Don’t forget to search the car too. Look underneath the seats, in the trunk, in the glove compartment and in the tire well.
If you find a hidden gift, don’t jump to conclusions unless it’s obvious the gift is not for you (too large, too small, a color or style that he knows you wouldn’t wear, or has another woman’s name attached).
Wait for a reasonable period of time. Then check the hiding place again. If the gift has disappeared and it wasn’t given to you, then it’s logical to assume that he gave it to someone else. Make it your business to find out who.
Beverley’s Story
Beverley was ecstatic when she discovered a box containing a hand crafted, one of a kind gold bracelet that she’d been admiring for quite some time. But the box soon disappeared and Beverley never received the bracelet. A few weeks later, at her health club, Beverley noticed a woman wearing a bracelet identical to the one she’d seen in the box. After some discreet checking around, and finding several additional clues to corroborate her suspicions, Beverly found out that her husband and this woman were having an affair.
Laura’s Story
Laura found a gift box containing a sexy satin negligee in the trunk of her husband's car. He tried to pass it off as a surprise gift he’d purchased for her but the gown was several sizes too small. He tried hard to convince Laura the salesclerk mistakenly put the wrong size in the box. But because Laura had already found other telltale signs of a possible affair, his excuses fell on deaf ears.
Other Telltale Signs
Warning bells should sound if your husband gives or receives any gift that’s extremely personal nature. He shouldn’t be buying clothing (especially lingerie) for any female other than you or a member of his family. Nor should he ever receive silk boxer shorts or any item of clothing other than a perhaps a tie or handkerchiefs from any woman other than yourself -- unless it’s his mother or his sister. (And even then, you should check to make sure.)
Be equally suspicious if your husband gives or receives a disproportionately expensive gift to or from any woman who is supposedly a business associate or casual friend. In fact, any expensive gift your husband receives should be regarded with extreme suspicion. Especially if he claims to have purchased the item for himself, but can’t produce the receipt.
Keisha’s Story:
Keisha became suspicious when her husband Jerome started wearing an expensive-looking gold ID bracelet. It appeared on his wrist shortly after his birthday and he wore it all the time. When she asked Jerome about it, he said he bought it for himself. But upon further questioning, Jerome couldn’t recall the name of the store he’d supposedly bought the bracelet from. Keisha suggested they check the receipt, so he made a cursory search then claimed he must have thrown it away. One weekend while Jerome was painting the apartment, Keisha noticed he’d removed the ID bracelet. It didn’t take her long to find it in the top drawer of his dresser. On the underside of the bracelet was an inscription that read “ With all my love, Tanya.”
Barbara’s Story:
Barbara called Stan at workWhen Barbara and Stan’s next door neighbor Judy, moved to a new house she gave a big housewarming party. While discussing what to give Judy as a housewarming gift, Stan suggested a CD player, and volunteered to pick up the gift. The night of the party, when Judy opened the gift, the CD player turned out to be a Bose sound system. Barbara immediately became suspicious. Especially since their sound system at home was only a Sharp. This led Barbara to search for additional telltale signs. She eventually found out Stan and Judy were having an affair.
Don’t Be the Last One to Know
Lovers give each other gifts throughout the year. However you should be especially watchful around your husband’s birthday, and Christmas and Valentine’s Day. If you suspect your husband of cheating, gifts could provide the missing pieces of the infidelity puzzle. Especially if you’ve already found other telltale signs. It may be time to sit down and have a serious talk with your husband. If your marriage is in jeopardy, you don’t want to be the last to know. Find out what’s going on before it’s too late.
© 2004 Ruth Houston All rights reserved.
About the author:
About The Author:
Ruth Houston is the author of “Is He Cheating on You? – 829 Telltale Signs.” For more information about the book, about infidelity, or to sign up for the FREE Infidelity Newsletter visit
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© 2007 - All Rights Reserved
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If you’ve been plagued by the feeling that your husband may be having an affair, the gifts he gives or receives can help you confirm your suspicions. They can also provide you with tangible proof of his infidelity. Lovers frequently give each other gifts. But this could be a cheating husband’s undoing. A wife who knows what to look for and where to look can usually find solid evidence of her husband’s affair.
Gifts Cost Money
No self-respecting man would attempt to impress his lover with a cheap token of his affection. He’ll spend whatever amount he deems necessary to buy her a decent gift. The more impressive the gift, the more money it will cost. And you can usually find evidence of his spending somewhere.
How to Find the Paper Trail
If your husband doesn’t pay cash for his lover’s gifts, he’ll pay by check or use a credit card. Whatever method he chooses, there’s a usually paper trail.
Check the bank statements, if you have access to them. Have there been any suspicious withdrawals from your bank accounts? Are there any cancelled checks for large amounts made out to “cash”? Take a really close look at the time period shortly before or after Christmas or Valentine’s Day.
Closely scrutinize each of your husband’s ATM withdrawal slips. Are there any large, unexplained ATM withdrawals? Read the information on each ATM slip. Is there anything unusual about the time, place or amount of the withdrawals?
Pay close attention to his credit card bills. Especially those for the months of December, January and February when Christmas or Valentine’s charges are likely to show up. Any unusual charges made at jewelry stores, women’s specialty stores, or boutiques, florists, day spas, restaurants etc. could be evidence of gifts bought for his lover.
What about actual charge slips or store receipts? Men tend to be careless about these things. Check his wallet, his pockets, backpack, briefcase, desk or dresser drawers. If you find evidence of gift items you didn’t personally receive, that should raise a red flag in your mind. If your husband didn’t give these gifts to you, who did he give them to?
Heather’s Story:
While going through her husband’s ATM slips, Heather noticed that all but one of his ATM withdrawals were made at the same bank. The suspicious one was made from an ATM machine located in a large shopping mall, and was dated February 12th – 2 days before Valentine’s Day. Even more suspicious was the amount – which was nearly 5 times the amount of his usual withdrawals – far more than the cost of the flowers, box of chocolates and Valentine’s Day card he gave Heather.
Rita’s Story
While dressing for work, Rita’s husband casually mentioned that today he was treating his secretary to lunch at a French restaurant for “Secretary’s Day. Rita became suspicious when he came home from work 3 ½ hours later than usual. While he was watching the 11 o’clock news that night, Rita quickly searched her husband’s wallet and the pockets of the suit he wore to work that day for clues as to where he might have been. She was about to dismiss the receipt from the French restaurant when the time stamp on it caught her eye. It indicated that he had indeed eaten there -- but for dinner, not for lunch. Now Rita knew why he was unreachable by phone at the office earlier that evening when she called to ask him to pick up orange juice on his way home from work.
Susan’s Story
While checking her husband’s pockets before dropping his clothes off at the cleaners, Susan found a jewelry store receipt for 2 pairs of earrings. When she asked her husband about it, he told her the receipt was for the earrings he’d given her for her birthday the previous week. Susan pointed out that the receipt was for 2 identical pairs of earrings. Caught off guard, he could not come up with an explanation for what he had done with the other pair.
Other Places to Look
Check various places in and around your home for hidden gifts -- under the bed, in the back of a file cabinet or dresser drawer, on the floor at the back of the closet, or the back of a seldom-used shelf.
Don’t forget to search the car too. Look underneath the seats, in the trunk, in the glove compartment and in the tire well.
If you find a hidden gift, don’t jump to conclusions unless it’s obvious the gift is not for you (too large, too small, a color or style that he knows you wouldn’t wear, or has another woman’s name attached).
Wait for a reasonable period of time. Then check the hiding place again. If the gift has disappeared and it wasn’t given to you, then it’s logical to assume that he gave it to someone else. Make it your business to find out who.
Beverley’s Story
Beverley was ecstatic when she discovered a box containing a hand crafted, one of a kind gold bracelet that she’d been admiring for quite some time. But the box soon disappeared and Beverley never received the bracelet. A few weeks later, at her health club, Beverley noticed a woman wearing a bracelet identical to the one she’d seen in the box. After some discreet checking around, and finding several additional clues to corroborate her suspicions, Beverly found out that her husband and this woman were having an affair.
Laura’s Story
Laura found a gift box containing a sexy satin negligee in the trunk of her husband's car. He tried to pass it off as a surprise gift he’d purchased for her but the gown was several sizes too small. He tried hard to convince Laura the salesclerk mistakenly put the wrong size in the box. But because Laura had already found other telltale signs of a possible affair, his excuses fell on deaf ears.
Other Telltale Signs
Warning bells should sound if your husband gives or receives any gift that’s extremely personal nature. He shouldn’t be buying clothing (especially lingerie) for any female other than you or a member of his family. Nor should he ever receive silk boxer shorts or any item of clothing other than a perhaps a tie or handkerchiefs from any woman other than yourself -- unless it’s his mother or his sister. (And even then, you should check to make sure.)
Be equally suspicious if your husband gives or receives a disproportionately expensive gift to or from any woman who is supposedly a business associate or casual friend. In fact, any expensive gift your husband receives should be regarded with extreme suspicion. Especially if he claims to have purchased the item for himself, but can’t produce the receipt.
Keisha’s Story:
Keisha became suspicious when her husband Jerome started wearing an expensive-looking gold ID bracelet. It appeared on his wrist shortly after his birthday and he wore it all the time. When she asked Jerome about it, he said he bought it for himself. But upon further questioning, Jerome couldn’t recall the name of the store he’d supposedly bought the bracelet from. Keisha suggested they check the receipt, so he made a cursory search then claimed he must have thrown it away. One weekend while Jerome was painting the apartment, Keisha noticed he’d removed the ID bracelet. It didn’t take her long to find it in the top drawer of his dresser. On the underside of the bracelet was an inscription that read “ With all my love, Tanya.”
Barbara’s Story:
Barbara called Stan at workWhen Barbara and Stan’s next door neighbor Judy, moved to a new house she gave a big housewarming party. While discussing what to give Judy as a housewarming gift, Stan suggested a CD player, and volunteered to pick up the gift. The night of the party, when Judy opened the gift, the CD player turned out to be a Bose sound system. Barbara immediately became suspicious. Especially since their sound system at home was only a Sharp. This led Barbara to search for additional telltale signs. She eventually found out Stan and Judy were having an affair.
Don’t Be the Last One to Know
Lovers give each other gifts throughout the year. However you should be especially watchful around your husband’s birthday, and Christmas and Valentine’s Day. If you suspect your husband of cheating, gifts could provide the missing pieces of the infidelity puzzle. Especially if you’ve already found other telltale signs. It may be time to sit down and have a serious talk with your husband. If your marriage is in jeopardy, you don’t want to be the last to know. Find out what’s going on before it’s too late.
© 2004 Ruth Houston All rights reserved.
About the author:
About The Author:
Ruth Houston is the author of “Is He Cheating on You? – 829 Telltale Signs.” For more information about the book, about infidelity, or to sign up for the FREE Infidelity Newsletter visit
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